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Reports & Surveys


IPEDS - Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Each year Virginia Tech submits twelve IPEDS surveys to The National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education. The surveys are comprehensive in scope, covering student demographics, faculty and staff data, and university finances. Summary-level data may be obtained by visiting the IPEDS College Navigator website.




Institutional Characteristics Student Financial Aid Fall Enrollment
Completions Graduation Rates Finance
12-month Enrollment 200% Graduation Rates Human Resources
  Admissions Academic Libraries
  Outcome Measures  

SCHEV - State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) is the Commonwealth's coordinating body for higher education. SCHEV was established by the Governor and General Assembly in 1956. Then as now, our mission, which is outlined in the Code of Virginia, is "to advocate and promote the development and operation of an educationally and economically sound, vigorous, progressive, and coordinated system of higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia and to lead state-level strategic planning and policy development and implementation based on research and analysis.




Institutional Catalogs Survey Early Enrollment Estimate, Spring Annual Admissions Cohort File
Early Enrollment Estimate, Fall Spring Cohort File Degrees Conferred Data File
Admissions Requirements Tuition & Fee Survey Annual Course Enrollment Data File
Institutional Information File (updates only) Tuition Assistance Grant Program Data File  
Financial Aid Date File Enrollment Projections & Degree Estimates (biennial)  
Consolidated Year-End Certificate for Financial Aid Programs & Unfunded Scholarship surveys    
Headcount Data File    
Sponsored Research Activities    
Fall Cohort File    
Classroom Utilization File (biennial)    
Room Inventory File (biennial)    


In addition to federally-and-state mandated surveys and reports that are completed by SA as required by law, we also participate in various publisher surveys and data exchanges. Below is sampling of those.