Student Consumer Information
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) to revise and reauthorize HEA programs. It was signed into law on August 14, 2008. The Final Rule was published in the Federal Register on October 29, 2009. While many of the provisions took effect immediately, others were subjected to a negotiated rule making process. The final regulations became effective July 1, 2010.
The law includes many disclosure and reporting requirements that a postsecondary educational institution is required to distribute or make available to other parties, such as current or prospective students or families of current or prospective students. To document Virginia Tech's compliance with the HEA/HEOA requirements, the Office of Institutional Research coordinated the collection of this information that includes a brief summary of each disclosure requirement, the methods of dissemination, and appropriate links to information pertaining to each requirement. Additional information, including the full text of the Act, may be found on the HEOA page of the U.S. Department of Education's website.
Please use the links below to be directed to each of the institutional disclosure requirements by subject area.*