College Navigator Website
Subject Area
Consumer Information on College Navigator Website
Requirement Applies to
All Institutions Participating in Title IV, HEA Student Financial Aid Programs
- HEOA Sec. 111 amended HEA Title I, Part C: added HEA 132(i)(1)(V) (20 U.S.C. 1015a(i)(1)(V))
The Department of Education is required to post 26 items on the College Navigator website for each institution, including a link to the institution's website that provides 'in an easily accessible manner'
- student activities offered by the institution
- services offered by the institution for individuals with disabilities
- career and placement services offered to students during and after enrollment
- policies of the institution related to transfer of credit from other institutions
See also the following sections:
- Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities
- Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements
Note: The URL for the institution’s website is collected in the IPEDS Institutional Characteristics Survey (IC).
How Disclosed
Made available on the institution’s website. The URL for the institution’s website is reported to NCES in IPEDS for posting on the College Navigator website