Additional Information
Subject Area
Teacher Preparation Program Report
Requirement Applies to
Institutions That Prepare Teachers for Initial State Certification or Licensure
- HEOA Sec. 201 amended HEA Title II, Part A: new HEA Sec. 205-208
- (20 U.S.C. 1022d-1022g). HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
Each institution must provide a report annually to the state and to the general public. The states submit to the Department of Education, and make available to the public, an annual report containing institutional and state-level information. The Department makes the state reports available to the public.
The institutional reports include
- Goals*− information about whether goals have been met, activities implemented to achieve goals, and steps taken to improve performance in meeting goals
- Assurances** − description of activities the institution has implemented to meet assurances
- Pass rates and scaled scores for the most recent year for which information is available on assessments used by the state for teacher certification or licensure that have been taken by students who are enrolled in the teacher preparation program and students who have completed the program during the prior 2 years***
- Program information − admission criteria; enrollment disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and gender; average number of hours of supervised clinical experience; number of full-time-equivalent faculty and students in the supervised clinical experience; total number of students who have been certified or licensed as teachers, disaggregated by subject and area of certification or licensure
statement of approval or accreditation of program (if required by the state)
- Whether the state has designated the program as low-performing
- Description of activities that prepare teachers to effectively use technology in instruction and to collect, manage, and analyze data
- Description of activities that prepare teachers to teach effectively students with disabilities and students who have limited English proficiency
*Goal: The institution must set annual quantifiable goals for increasing the number of prospective teachers trained in teacher shortage areas designated by the Department or by the state education agency.
**Assurances: The institution must provide assurances to the Department of Education regarding training related to identified needs of local education agencies or states and the needs of schools, training of special education teachers, training in providing instruction to diverse populations, and training to effectively teach in urban and rural schools, as applicable.
***If a program has fewer than 10 scores reported on any assessment during an academic year, the average pass rate and scaled scores shall be provided for a 3-year period.
The Department of Education is required to prescribe regulations to ensure the reliability, validity, integrity, and accuracy of the data submitted in institution and state reports.
How Disclosed
Provide report to general public
Subject Area
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
Requirement Applies to
All Co-Educational Institutions Participating in Title IV, HEA Programs That Have an Inter-collegiate Athletic Program
- HEA Sec. 485(g) (20 U.S.C. 1092(g))
- Institutional requirements not changed by HEOA.
- 34 CFR 668-41(a)-(b), 34 CFR 668.41(g), 34 CFR 668.47
- October 29, 2009 FR notice (revised 34 CFR 668.41(g))
By October 15 each year, a co-educational institution that has an intercollegiate athletic program must make information about the program available to current and prospective students and to the public. Current and prospective students must be provided a notice of their right to request such information (included in annual notice to current students, see subject # 1). If the information is provided on a website, the notice must provide the exact electronic address, brief description of the report, and a statement that the institution will provide a paper copy upon request.
The report also must be submitted to the Department of Education. The Department of Education is required to make the information available to the public and to notify all secondary schools of the availability of the information and how it may be accessed.
The report must include, for the preceding year
- the number of male and the number of female full-time undergraduates enrolled
- unduplicated head count of participants on at least one varsity team, by gender
- list of the varsity teams that competed in intercollegiate athletic competition, and for each team
- total number of participants, the number of participants who also participated on another varsity team, and the number of other varsity teams on which they participated
- total operating expenses
- whether the head coach was male or female and whether the head coach was assigned to the team on a full-time or part-time basis, and for part-time head coaches whether the coach was a full- or part-time employee of the institution
- number of male and the number of female assistant coaches, and the number of male and the number of female assistant coaches who were assigned to the team on a full-time or part-time basis
- the number of part-time assistant coaches who were full-time and part-time employees of the institution
- total revenues attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities, and the revenues from football, men's basketball, women's basketball, all other men's sports combined, and all other women's sports combined
- total revenues generated across all men's teams and across all women's teams
- total amount of money spent on athletically related student aid, separately for men's and women's teams overall
- ratio of athletically related student aid awarded to male athletes to athletically related student aid awarded to female athletes
- total amount of expenditures on recruiting, separately for men's teams and women's teams overall;
- average annual institutional salary of head coaches of men's teams and of women's teams, across all offered sports
- average annual institutional salary of the assistant coaches of men's teams and of women's teams, across all offered sports
- total expenses attributable to intercollegiate athletic activities, and the expenses attributable to football, men's basketball, women's basketball, all other men's sports combined, and all other women's sports combined
How Disclosed
Made available through appropriate publications, mailings, or electronic media.
Subject Area
Voter Registration Forms
Requirement Applies to
All Institutions Participating in Title IV, HEA Student Financial Aid Programs
- HEOA Sec. 493(a)(1) amended HEA Sec. 487(a)(23) (20 U.S.C. 1094(a)(23)): added HEA Sec. 487(a)(23)(D)
- HEOA amendment effective August 14, 2008
Each institution must
- make a good faith effort to distribute a mail voter registration form (for federal elections and state elections for governor or other State chief executive) to each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and physically in attendance at the institution
- make the voter registration form widely available to students at the institution
- request the forms from the state 120 days prior to the deadline for registering to vote within the state
This requirement does not apply to institutions in states that do not have a voter registration requirement or that allow voters to register at the time of voting.
The HEOA (Sec. 493(a)(1)) added the provision that an institution will be considered to be in compliance with the distribution requirement if the institution electronically distributes the voter registration form or an Internet address where such a form can be downloaded. The information must be in an electronic message devoted exclusively to voter registration.
How Disclosed
Voter registration forms made widely available and provided to each enrolled student