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Pathways General Education

Virginia Tech’s new Pathways to General Education curriculum was implemented for entering students starting in the fall of 2018. Pathways is designed to help students examine the world from multiple perspectives and integrate their knowledge across disciplines and domains of learning through a hands-on, minds-on approach. The Institutional Effectiveness unit facilitates Pathways assessment.

The assessment process is course-embedded, faculty led, and improvement focused. The goal is to provide faculty and departments with data that will allow them to examine the Pathways curriculum and identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Assessment data will focus on the overall effectiveness of the Pathways program and will not be student, faculty, or course identifiable.

While the assessment process will be dynamic, it will remain grounded in the following tenets:

  • Assessment will be based on student coursework that is required in Pathways courses and aligns with Pathways student learning outcomes.
  • The assessment process will honor the diversity of disciplinary methodologies.
  • Data will be collected at the assignment level and aggregated to measure the effectiveness of the program.
  • The assessment process will build on and feed existing assessment practices on campus.

For assistance with:

Pathways Assessment

Molly Hall
Associate Director, Institutional Effectiveness
Phone: 540-231-5432

General questions about Pathways or the proposal process

Stephen Biscotte
Director of General Education

Course Planning

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

If you need additional assistance or information, please feel free to email Molly Hall or call 540-231-5432; or email Bethany Bodo or call 540-231-6003.